Iwi, Switched On and Kāinga Ora partnership brings six new homes to Lower Hutt
22 July 2024Six whānau in Lower Hutt will soon move into brand-new homes built by Switched On Building Solutions for Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities.
The two double-unit town houses and two larger multi-generational homes are the first social housing new-builds Switched On Building Solutions have developed in the greater Wellington region. The business is whānau and iwi owned in partnership with Te Rūnanga O Toa Rangatira, who formally blessed the new buildings as mana whenua on Thursday 19 July.
Kā te Rama Switched On Group Chief Executive Chris Hughes says that the new homes are a significant milestone in both the partnership with the Rūnanga and Kāinga Ora.
“I am so excited to see these first homes come to life in the rohe of our local iwi partnership for Kāinga Ora. We have worked to create warm, dry, healthy homes for families in the Wellington region for many years, and new builds are our next step towards having a larger impact in our community. We are proud to partner with local trades to build homes by locals, for locals on local whenua, guided by our strong partnerships,” he says.
Two of the new homes have been designed to house multi-generational, large whānau with 5-6 bedrooms, including a bedroom and bathroom located downstairs to cater for kaumātua, grandparents, or family members with access needs. The homes also have a one-of-a-kind foundation called Sylomer, which was sourced from Austria by Switched On Building Solutions with the project’s engineers and architects to overcome the challenges of sites with a railway nearby and minimise vibration risks – an innovative first for a project like this in the region. These specialised considerations will ensure the homes benefit whānau for generations to come.
Ngāti Toa Rangatira Pou Tikanga Dr. Te Taku Parai, who blessed the sites alongside Tamahau Rowe (Te Āti Haunui-ā-Pāpārangi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Raukawa, Taranaki Whānui), says that the new homes will make a real difference for future generations.
“Having well-built, high-quality whare for our tamariki and rangatahi to grow up in with their extended whānau is so important. Housing whānau on our whenua in homes like these also helps to preserve our whenua for our mokopuna and their mokopuna. As kaitiaki, we need to take care of this place and our people; this is what makes a difference for future generations,” he says.

Kāinga Ora’s Regional Director - Greater Wellington, Vicki McLaren, shares: “Kāinga Ora is proud to partner with Switched On Building Solutions and Ngāti Toa Rangatira to bring these much-needed homes to Lower Hutt. This collaboration highlights the strength of our partnership and the importance of working together to create warm, safe, and healthy homes for our whānau. These new homes will make a real difference in the lives of the families who will call them home and exemplify what can be achieved through strong community partnerships."

The new homes were constructed by Switched On Building Solutions, part of Kā te Rama Switched On Group, with architects Isthmus, engineers Sawrey Consulting Engineers and geotechnical engineers Stantec. Local contractors partnered on the build, including the roofing, electrical, plumbing, foundations, civil groundworks, hard and soft landscaping, Gib installation, painting, plastering and flooring. Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira-owned Toa ITM and Mitre 10 Lower Hutt supplied most of the building materials. The project was overseen by consultants Frequency.
Kā te Rama Switched On Group is an Amotai Registered construction and housing group working to enhance people’s environments through maintenance, fit-outs, renovations and new builds from Tairāwhiti through to Waitaha-Canterbury.For more information about this mahi, contact communications@switchedon.net.nz